Role of Endogenous Cholecystokinin in the Regeneration of Pancreatic Tissue after Acute Hemorrhagic Pancreatitis in Rats
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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of endogenous cholecystokinin(CCK) on pancreatic regeneration after acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis. Acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis was induced in rats by two intraperitoneal cerulein injection(20μg/kg BW) with 5h water-immersion stress once a day for successive 3 days. After the cessation of repetition of acute pancreatitis the rats were treated with successive feeding with 0.1% camostat-containing diet or SC injection of CR-1505 (CCK receptor antagonist, 50 mg/kg BW X2/day) for 7 days. Zymogen enzymes and protein contents per DNA inpancreatic tissue were significantly higher in rats treated with camostat compared with control rats, and plasma CCK level was elevated. To the contrary, pancreatic regeneration was retarded in the rats treated with CR-1505. It is concluded that endogenous CCK has a trophic effect during regeneration after acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis.本研究の目的は急性出血性膵炎後の膵再生における内因性コレシストキニン(CCK)の効果を検討することである. 急性出血性膵炎はラットに20μg/kg体重のセルンインを2回腹腔内注射して5時間の水浸拘束を1日1回3日間連続で行って誘発した. 急性膵炎の反復を終了後, ラットは引き続き7日間0.1%カモスタット含有食投与, あるいはCCK受容体拮抗剤であるCR 1505 50mg/kg体重を1日2回皮下注射した. 膵組織中のDNAあたりの分泌酵素含量と蛋白含量コントロールに比してカモスタット投与群では有意に高く血漿CCK濃度は上昇した. 一方, CR 1505処置ラットでは膵の再生は遅延した. 内因性CCKは急性膵炎後の再生期に栄養効果を有すると結論される.
- 福岡医学会,Fukuoka Medical Associationの論文
- 1996-01-25
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- Role of Endogenous Cholecystokinin in the Regeneration of Pancreatic Tissue after Acute Hemorrhagic Pancreatitis in Rats
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