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This paper describes about the cusp surface analysis system and the effect of the localized vibration on the tactile sense at a finger tip. The personality of subjects, the localized vibration and the discrimination ability of subjects are employed as the factors in the cusp surface analysis. The discrimination ability of subjects is calculated by the magnitude estimation method. In the result of the cusp surface analysis, it is clarified that the catastrophe phenomenon (jumping phenomenon) is generated in the relationship among the emotional instability, the acceleration amplitude of the localized vibration and the discrimination ability. In the range of bifurcation set, increasing the acceleration amplitude of the localized vibration, probability of decrease of the discrimination ability increases and increasing the emotional instability, probability of decrease of the discrimination ability increases.
- 近畿大学理工学部の論文
- カスプ面解析による局所振動の指先の触覚への影響の定量化(理論・技術)
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