- 論文の詳細を見る
The excess molar heat capacities of (1-x) water + x1,4-dioxane have been measured by using SETARAM BT2.15D conduction type micro calorimeter from 318.15 K to 368.15 K. In all temperature regions, the mixtures showed positive values over the whole composition range. The excess molar heat capacities over the whole composition range increased with increasing temperature. The maximums of excess molar heat capacities increased proportionately with the increasing temperature. The mole fractions at the maximum value of excess molar heat capacities were shifted from x = 0.55 to 0.50 with increasing temperature from 318.15 K to 343.15 K, however the ones were fixed around x = 0.50 above 343.15 K. Several different behaviors for the concentration dependence of partial molar excess heat capacities were observed from 318.15 K to 368.15 K. An interesting behavior of partial molar excess heat capacities at infinite dilution was observed between 333.15 K and 338.15 K.
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