上高地,とくに焼岳周辺における生態遷移 : III遷移系列の考察
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Our preceding papers have reported the compositions and structures of several secondary forests and mature forests around Kamikohchi Plain, Nagano Prefecture. In this third paper, after analyzing the changes of vegetation in the recent 25 years on the east slope of Yake-dake Volcano, the succession sere in Kamikohchi area was discussed. Mesh lines of each 250m × 233m were settled on aerial photographs taken in 1958, 1968, 1973, 1978 and 1983, and the continuous changes of vegetation on the east slope of Yake-dake Volcano were read. The progressive succession on the slope was actually recognized but repeated natural disturbances such as landslide and mud-flow made the succession retrogressive suddenly. The general pattern of succession around Kamikohchi Plain was recognized as follows: Open area→-grassland (dominated by dwarf bamboo)→deciduous forest (Betula or Lanix)→subalpine evergreen coniferous forest (Abies and/or Picea) on the mountain slope, while open area→scrub of Chosenia bracteosa→Salix-Alnus forests→deciduous broadleaved forest (Ulmus) on the riverside or riverbed. The secondary forests dominated by Betula trees (on the thin mud-accumulation) or Larix (on the deep mud-accumulation) are seemed to be in progress to some subalpine coniferous forests if they have enough number of undergrowth of Abies and other conifers. The subalpine coniferous forest dominated by Abies veitchii (sometimes A. mariesii) and/or Picea jezoensis v. hondoensis is the representative climax on the gentle slope and relatively rich soil in the area; Abies trees are liable to dominate on a site where the density of dwarf bamboo is not so dense and the frequent formings of small canopy gap allow their regeneration, while large sized Picea on a site occupied by dense dwarf bamboos without gap-regeneration. On the steep slope Tsuga diversifolia and/or Thuja standesii are dominated and make a kind of edaphic or geographic climax forest. The Tsuga forest is apt to be found on a relatively rich but unstable soil codition, where frequent stone crumblings make canopy gaps and disturb the emergence of Abies seedlings. It may progress to Abies forest only when continuous clumblings stop and the full closure of canopy is realized. Thuja forest is found on a so poor rocky site continuously eroded that it may progress to a Tsuga forest even after its soil condition become more or less stable. The schematic diagram on the succession sere in this area was presented.
- 信州大学理学部の論文
- 1988-10-30
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- 環境資源としての森林・木質材料
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- 「森の恵み」を活かすために--「環境」は避けて通れない (特集 林業技術問題(16))
- 信州の巨樹・名木 : その活力評価
- 人間生活環境と森林
- 上高地,とく比焼岳周辺における生態遷移 : I森林の成立過程
- 上高地,とくに焼岳周辺における生態遷移 : II二次林と成熟林
- 上高地,とくに焼岳周辺における生態遷移 : III遷移系列の考察
- 森林・林業の基本は生態系の維持 (「緑」問題の理解)
- 典型的な生態系--森林
- これからの森林・林業 : 木材も環境も(国民経済と森林・林業(III))