にこにこルームの学習支援が小学生に及ぼす効果(2) : 平成20年度後期の小学生と保護者を対象とした調査
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This study examined the effects of Niko Niko Room's educational support program held during the second semester of 2008 on school children. Fourteen school children who participated in this program answered questionnaires before and after this program. Their fourteen guardians also answered questionnaires at the end of this program. The results showed that the effects of this program held during the second semester of 2008 were almost the same as the effects of the first semester. The findings of this study were as follows: (1) Educational support had a positive effect on children's "self-efficacy regarding arithmetic". (2) Both children and guardians positively evaluated the effects of this program, and both of them estimated students' abilities high. (3) Children's estimation of students' communication had a positive relation to their "interests in arithmetic". Guardians' estimation of students' communication also had a positive relation to their estimation of "their children's interests in arithmetic".
- 2010-03-31
- にこにこルームの学習支援による効果に関する学生・小学生・保護者の比較(3) : 平成21年度前期の質問紙調査
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- にこにこルームの学習支援による効果に関する学生・小学生・保護者の比較(2) : 平成20年度後期の質問紙調査
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- にこにこルームの学習支援が小学生に及ぼす効果(2) : 平成20年度後期の小学生と保護者を対象とした調査
- にこにこルームの学習支援プログラムが学生の力量形成に及ぼす効果(2) : 平成20年度後期の学生を対象とした質問紙調査
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- にこにこルームの学習支援による効果に関する学生・小学生・保護者の比較(1) : 平成20年度前期の質問紙調査