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In elastic artesian aquifer extending under the sea, the piezometric head oscillates due to tidal water acting as load. The oscillating head is conveyed to inland through the aquifer, so that the water level in an artesian well tapping the same aquifer fluctuates. The head fluctuation in the well reflects various conditions of the aquifer such as compressibility, permeability and so on. Therefore, adding analytical considerations to observed data on the heads, one could know those conditions of the aquifer. This paper states the observations of water heads in the artesian wells near the shore in Saijo City, Ehime. Then, compared the observed data with analytical solutions for the supposed model, the permeability, the leakage factor, the length of the artesian aquifer and so forth are determined.
- 長崎大学工学部,Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki Universityの論文
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