A novel complete reconstitution system for membrane integration of the simplest membrane protein
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A complete reconstitution system for membrane integration of the simplest protein was developed by means of defined factors. A mutant version of Pf3 coat protein, 3L-Pf3 coat, requires neither signal recognition particle/Sec factors nor a membrane potential for its integration into the cytoplasmic membrane of Escherichia coli. Although 3L-Pf3 coat is spontaneously integrated into liposomes composed of phospholipids, diacylglycerol completely blocks such spontaneous integrations at a physiological level. Under the conditions where spontaneous integration does not occur, 3L-Pf3 coat integration was absolutely dependent on a novel integration-stimulating factor. Combination of the PURE system, an in vitro translation system composed of the purified factors involved in translation in E. coli, with liposomes containing the highly purified integration-stimulating factor revealed multiple cycles of 3L-Pf3 coat integration, achieving the complete reconstitution of membrane integration. Based on the function of the factor, we propose that the factor is named MPIase (Membrane Protein Integrase).http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/622790/description#description
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