- 論文の詳細を見る
本稿の目的は, 算数・数学科の授業において児童・生徒の理解の深化を促すために, 数学理解の2軸過程モデルに基づく算数・数学科の授業構成の原理と方法を構築することである。これまでの数学理解に関する理論的研究及び実践的研究の成果を踏まえて, まず, 授業構成の原理として, P1[複雑な力動的過程としての理解過程], P2[理解の階層的水準と学習段階の設定], P3[個人的構成と社会的構成の重視]を挙げた。そして, 授業構成の方法として, M1[理解の階層的水準の明確化], M2[理解の程度の実態把握], M3[理解の学習段階の具体化]を提案した。The purpose of this paper was to identify the principles and methods for designing mathematics lessons based on the Two-Axes Process Model of understanding mathematics. As a result of theoretical and practical studies, three principles (Ps) and three methods (Ms) were identified for designing lessons to facilitate and deepen students' understanding of mathematics, as follows: P1 - recognizing mathematics understanding as a dynamic process; P2 - setting up clear levels of understanding and learning stages at a level; P3 - incorporating students' individual constructions and social construction; M1 - making clear levels of understanding related to a certain mathematical topic; M2 - assessing and evaluating students' understanding at a readiness; and M3 - planning in detail three learning stages as a dialectic process of individual and social constructions in a lesson.
- 日本教科教育学会の論文
- 2006-03-10
日本教科教育学会 | 論文
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