Fecal properties and associated factors in elderly persons requiring care at a long-term care health facility for the elderly
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【Objective】 To clarify the current status of fecal properties and factors associatedwith those properties in elderly persons requiring care at a long-term health carefacility for the elderly.【Methods】 A questionnaire survey was conducted among 192 persons admitted tothe facility, regarding their daily fecal properties over a month, urge to defecate,degree of intestinal peristalsis, frequency (days per month) and condition ofdefecation, status of defecation care such as drug use and disimpaction, and thenutritional condition.【Results】 The mean age of the subjects was 87.4 years. Those at and above carelevel 3 accounted for 70%, those with dementia for 94%, those under tube feedingfor 8.8%, and those using a diaper for defecation for 28%. Fecal properties wereidentified as soft stool group in 22.5%, and hard stool group in 10.9% of the subjects.Purgatives were used in 63% of the subjects, including laxatives in 27%, stimulantcathartics in 18%, and both in 18%. Antiflatulents and suppositories were used in 4and 20%, respectively. Disimpaction and enema were performed in 35 and 2%,respectively. Factors associated with soft stools included a lower daily calorie intake,less frequent urge to defecate, a higher daily fiber intake, frequent urinaryincontinence, and frequent use of stimulant cathartics. Factors associated with hardstools included less frequent defecation (13 days per month), absence of intestinalperistalsis, and frequent use of suppositories.【Discussion】 As a result of clarifying the fecal properties using the Bristol StoolScale, an objective index for this purpose, and factors associated with soft stools,stimulant cathartics were suspected to be associated with the soft stools. This studysuggested the necessity of using purgatives based on assessment of the fecalproperties in each elderly person. 【目的】介護老人保健施設に入所している要介護高齢者の便の性状の実態と便の性状に関 連する要因を明らかにする。 【研究方法】入所者192人を対象とし調査を行った。1ヶ月間の毎日の便の性状、便意、腸 蠕動排便日数、排便状態や薬剤等の使用の使用と摘便の実施状況の排便ケア状況、栄養状 況等について調査した。 【結果】対象者の平均年齢は87.4歳で、要介護度は3以上が70%、認知症は94%、経管栄養 は8.8%、オムツ内で排便している人は28%だった。軟便群は22.5%、硬便群は10.9%だった。 下剤を使用していた人は63%で、そのうち緩下剤の使用が27%、刺激性下剤の使用が18%、 緩下剤と刺激性下剤の両方を使用していた人が18%だった。整腸剤の使用は4%、坐薬の 使用は20%だった。摘便は35%、浣腸は2%だった。軟便に関連する要因は、1日摂取カ ロリーは少なく、便意がある者は少なく、1日繊維量が多く、尿失禁が多く、刺激性下剤 を使用している者が多かった。硬便に関連する要因は、排便日数が1ヶ月に13日と少なく、 腸蠕動がなく、坐薬の使用者が多かった。 【考察】便の性状をBristol Stool Scaleという客観的な指標で明らかにし、軟便との関連要 因を明らかにした結果、刺激性下剤が軟便に影響していることが考えられた。下剤の使用 にあたっては、個々の高齢者の便の性状をアセスメントした上で使用する必要性が示唆さ れた。
- 2010-07-30
- Fecal properties and associated factors in elderly persons requiring care at a long-term care health facility for the elderly
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