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Testicular teratoma in a 32-year-old man with Klinefelter's syndrome is reported. He visited our clinic with the complaint of infertility on April 10, 1981. Physical examination revealed the right testis to be enlarged to hen-egg size without any pain and the left testis to be as small as a finger-tip. A female type distribution of the pubic hair was noted and the prostate was small on palpation. There was no gynecomastia. Peripheral blood chromosome studies revealed 47, XXY. With the suspection of a right testicular tumor and Klinefelter's syndrome, right high castration and left testicular biopsy were performed. The pathological diagnosis was a mature teratoma of the right testis and hyalinized and atrophic seminiferous tubules of the left testis. The occurrence of testicular tumors in Klinefelter's syndrome is very rare. To our knowledge, this is the third case of a testicular tumor associated with the syndrome in Japan. Literature is reviewed on the association between testicular tumor and Klinefelter's syndrome.
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