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We treated 9 patients who had pulmonary metastases from renal cell carcinoma with bronchial arterial infusion therapy (BAI). Of 9 cases, BAI was performed 32 times using Seldinger's angiographic technique. The anti-cancel' drugs were infused through an angiographic catheter into the bronchial artery by a one shot infusion lasting from 10 to 20 minutes. The drugs used for BAI were MMC, Carbazilquinone (CQ), ACNU and adriamycin (ADM). The dosage of the drugs was MMC 10-20 mg, CQ 3-6 mg, ACNU 100 mg, ADM 20-40 mg. Bronchial arteriography revealed irregular hypervascularity and tumor stain in most of the cases. An effective response (reduction rate>20%) was observed in 4 patients (33.3%) metastatic foci had disappeared completely in one of these 4 cases. The other 5 patients had no change or had progression of disease. No serious complication was observed. This method appears to have therapeutic value in the treatment of patients with multiple lung metastases.
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