副腎腺腫によるクッシング症候群に対するtranscatheter arterial embolizationの経験
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Transcatheter arterial embolization was performed on a case of adrenal adenoma with Cushing's syndrome. The patient was a 28-year-old married woman with Cushing's syndrome due to left adrenocortical adenoma. As a substitution for surgical operation, trans catheter embolization was attempted through left inferior phrenic artery. Remission of hypercortisolism followed starting on the next day. However, a long-term follow-up for the patient had to be discontinued owing to the circumstance of the patient's side and left adrenalectomy was performed on the 14th day after embolization. Therefore, it may be too early to suggest that transcatheter embolization was effective against the disease in this case. However, such treatment should be taken into consideration as a non-surgical treatment to a certain kind of adrenal disease. We have not yet found any arterial embilization for adrenal gland in literature.
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