- 論文の詳細を見る
Under cooperation with 9 universities and their correlated hospitals, therapeutic effect of chlormadinone acetate for carcinoma of the prostate was investigated. 196 patients (Stage A-16, Stage B-14, Stage C-85 and Stage D-81) were given chlormadinone acetate from the outset and 16 patients (Stage C-6, Stage D-10) had previously received some other therapy. The drug was given orally 50~200 mg every day. The extremely satisfactry effect of this drug for carcinoma of the prostate was observed in the primary treatment group; that is, in Stage A and B, aggravation of cancerous focus was inhibited for 35.6 months in average (the longest 75 months). In Stage C, the average was 23.4 months (the longest 71 months), and in Stage D, the average was 13.7 months (the longest 70 months). The effect of chlormadinone acetate for carcinoma of the prostate in the secondary treatment group was weaker than those in the primary treatment group. However, in Stage C and D, aggravation of cancerous focus was inhibited for 13.7 months in average (the longest 75 months). The side effects were negligible in spite of the long period of treatment with chlormadinone acetate for cancer of the prostate. Without castration, the satisfactory effect oCchlormadinone acetate for cancer of the prostate was observed. Therefore, it was concluded that ch1ormadinone acetate was recommended as the first choice drug for cancer of the prostate.
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