前立腺癌に対するEstramustine phosphate(Estracyt)の臨床治験
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Estramustine phosphate (Estracyt) was used in the treatment of 16 patients with carcinoma of the prostate. 10 patients were given estramustine phosphate from the outset (the primary treatment group) and 6 patients had previously received some other hormone therapy (the reactivated group). The drug was given orally. At 3 months after estramustine phosphate treatment, results were judged by the criteria which had been proposed by Dr. Shida et al. (1978). The primary treatment group showed good response in all (100%). The reactivated group showed response in 3 of 6 cases (50%). The serious side effects could not be observed and the drug was well tolerated. In conclusion, the compound is valuable in the treatment of advanced prostatic carcinoma.
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