前立腺肥大症に対するSH-582の使用経験 (Gestonorone Caproateによる前立腺肥大症の治療-2-<特集>)
- 論文の詳細を見る
1. Subjects: Ten patients with prostatic hypertrophy were treated with SH-582, of which two cases were complicated by uninhibited neurogenic bladder due to corebral apoplectic sequela, two cases by prostitis and one case by diabetes, respectively. 2. Dosage: 200 or 300 mg of SH-582 was given intramuscularly every seven or 10 days. 3. Treatment period and total dose: Treatment period varied from the minimum of one week to the maximum of five months and total dose ranged from the minimum of 600 mg to the maximum of 5,100 mg with the average being 2,500 mg. 4. Subjective improvement was good in three cases, fair in seven cases and not observed in one case. In one case it could not be evaluated because of the too short treatment period. 5. Residual urine decreased remarkably in five cases. 6. Urinary infection disappeared in three patients. In five cases no urinary infection was observed during the whole treatment period. Deterioration occurred in none of the cases. 7. There was no decrease in the size of the prostate either by palpation or urethrography. 8. Prostatectomy was carried out without severe bleeding during the operation in one case who did not respond to the hormonal therapy. 9. Severe side-effects were not observed in any cases. However, five patients complained of pain or induration at the injected sites, and slight rise in body temperature and eruption was observed each in one case. 10. Clinical laboratory tests were performed in seven patients for investigating the influence of SH-582 on liver, kidney and serum electrolytes before and after treatment and abnormal findings were observed in none of the cases. 17-0HCS and 17-KS excretion were checked in two cases without any changes exceeding the normal range.
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