- 論文の詳細を見る
This is a report of tumor in the diverticulum of urinary bladder associated with stone seen in a 46-year-old man. The diverticulum w as locat on the left posterior wall of the bladder and the left ureter was open in it. The removed diverticulum measured 8.0 x 7.5 x 5.0 cm and was full of three stones and necrotic mass. There was a tumor on the right side of the ureteral orifice. The tumor looked malignant from its appearance with hemorrhage and necrosi s . Histological diagnosis was made as squamous cell carcinoma. Most of the tumor tissue consisted of undifferentiated spindle-shaped cells and abundant blood vessels, but there was obviously a cornified lesion compatible with squamous cell carcinoma. The tumor was also infiltrative into the surrounding adipose tissue. Thirty-seven cases were r e viewed from the Japanese literature as to incidence, age, sex, symptoms, diagnostic methods, treatments and prognosis. Histological aspects of the tumor in the bladder diverticulum were also discussed especially on the undifferentiated carcinoma and its prognosis.
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