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The effect of 2, 5-di-O-acetyl-D-glucosaccharo-(l→4)(6→3)-dilactone (SLA:β-glucuronidase inhibitor) on tumorigenesis of 2-acetylaminofiuorene was experimentally studied by observation of the early changes in the rat vesical mucosa. 1) Hyperplastic index was compared in the various diet groups after 20 weeks of experimental feeding. a) Pyridoxine-deficient food group. Hyperplastic index was somewhat lower in the SLA-added group. b) Tryptophan-added group. There was no difference of hyperplastic index between the SLA-added and non-added group. 2) The bladder mucosa was studied by 3H-thymidine autoradiography and labeling index was calculated. Occurrence rate of the bladder tumor within 25 weeks was also compared. a) Pyridoxine-deficient food group. Significant difference was observed between the SLA-added and non-added group. This might be explained by Boyland's hypothesis. b) Tryptophan-added group. The effect of SLA was shown in labeling index but not in tumor occurrence rate. This suggests the presence of carcinogenesis not explained by Boyland's hypothesis and not inhibited by SLA.
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