前立腺肥大症に対するSH-582(gestonorone caproate)の効果
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The effects of SH 582 were investigated in 28 patients with prostatic hypertrophy who could be followed-up for more than 3 months. Urinary frequency, dysuria and residual urine volume were improved in about 60 %, 70 % and 50 %, respectively. Palpation of the prostate demonstrated reduction of the adenoma in about 25 %, which could not be confirmed by the x-ray visualization of the urethra. Estimation of DNA within the epithelial cell nuclei of the prostate did not reveal any influence due to SH 582. When SH 582 was administered to mature male rats in an attempt to see possible changes in the manner of steroidgenesis in the testis, there was no evidence that activities of various enzymes participating in the production of male sex hormones were reduced in the treated group as compared with the control. There were no significant changes in weight of the testis of the treated animals. However, weight of their prostate showed a significant reduction when compared with the control.
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