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It is well known that Laos is one of the countries where malaria is most serious public health problem. In 1998, a total of 307,189 malaria patients including 588 fetal cases were officially reported by IMPE, a referral center for malaria in the country. The planning and evaluation for malaria control should be conducted under the consideration of exact information of malaria prevalence. The surveillance system to obtain the epidemiological data, however, was not well functioned in Laos, although antimalaria net-work for malaria control activities has been organized in each provincial and district level. Since 1995, activities to establish malaria surveillance system has started in Khammouane Province, as an activity of Lao/JICA/WHO PHC Project, under the supervision of IMPE staff and Japanese experts. At first, passive case detection (PCD) system was strengthened by supporting hardware and software of provincial malaria station and district malaria centers. By the activities, the rate of misdiagnosis in district malaria centers has decreased significantly after the start of quality control program by mobile training and re-checking system for malaria diagnosis. On the basis of the above improved diagnosis system, active case detection (ACD) surveys were conducted to obtain detail information on malaria prevalence in communities. It was found by the ACD surveys that malaria is more seriously prevalent among the inhabitants through the year. The surveys on vector mosquitoes were also carned-out around the communities where malaria prevalence was relatively high among the inhabitants. Following these activities, malaria control program including mass diagnosis, treatment, education, and prevention using impregnated bed-net were operated in two pilot villages. The prevalence rates of malaria were markedly decreased after starting the control program, indicating well effect of these control measures. The control program has been expanded to 3 provinces by Japanese Grant Aid since 1999 after the finish of the PHC Project. The monitoring and evaluation of the control program are successively being supported by the Faculty of Medicine, University of the Ryukyus.
- 琉球医学会,Ryukyu Medical Associationの論文
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