[症例報告]Relapsing polychondritis の1例
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A case of Relapsing polychondritis was reported. A 61-years-old man was admitted to our hospital with his complaints of dyspnea, pain of the left auricle and nasal radix. On physical examination deformity of the left aurice, saddle nose and teleangiectasia of the ala nasi were noticed and there was no abnormal finding on auscultation and percussion of the lung. Chest roentgenogram and chest CT scan showed narrowed trachea. On pulmonary function test mixed ventilatory dysfunction was revealed. Flow volume curve showed obstructive pattern, decreased peak flow rate and fluttered curve on expilatory phase. On bronchofiberscopy lower tracheal cartilage crescents were not distinct and stenosis with edema of the bronchial membrane was observed. On histological examination of the specimen obtained from the left auricular cartilage infiltration of lymphocytes and plasma cells or fibrosis on cartilage and pericartilage were observed. In spite of the administration with corticosteroid, cyclophosphamide, azathioprine, indomethacin, acetyl salicylic acid, mephenamic acid or colchicin, his symptoms were not improved.
- 琉球大学医学部,Faculty of Medicine, University of the Ryukyusの論文
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