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A 65 year-old male was admitted to our hospital complaining of lightheadness on standing. He had suffered from it for five years. The symptom gradually progressed and he recently experienced an attack of syncope on standing. Passive 30°head-up tilting test revealed an orthostatic hypotension. Wearing of elastic stockings relieved the symptom. A pulsatile mass was palpable in the lower abdomen and an abdominal CT showed aneurysms of the abdominal aorta and the left common iliac artery. After surgical treatment of the aneurysms, the symptom of the orthostatic hypotension was no longer present, and the tilting test repeated showed normal responses of blood pressure and heart rate. The aneurysms might have caused orthostatic hypotension in this case. Although he had no pain or edema on the legs, mechanical compression of the lumbar sympathetic nerve and/or iliac vein might have some role in enhancing the blood pooling on standing.
- 琉球大学医学部,Faculty of Medicine, University of the Ryukyusの論文
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