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78 year-old male with parkinsonism and megacolon was reported. He was admitted to our hospital with complaints of frozen gait and festination, both of which had appeared at the age of 77 and was associated with an increasing abdominal distension. Because of the symptoms such as mask-like face, cog-wheel rigidity, frozen gait, and bradykinesia, and of the lack of definite pyramidal signs and dementia, a diagnosis of parkinsonism, idiopathic rather than secondary, was made despite the history of stroke occurred at the age of 69. A remarkable dilatation of entire colon including rectum was confirmed by roentgenologic examination. An administration of 1-dopa remarkbly improved the parkinsonian symptoms without any exacerbation of megacolon. Autonomic dysfunction derived from parkinsonism might have contributed to the development of megacolon in this case since he had never been treated with anticholinergic agents and other related drugs.
- 琉球大学医学部,Faculty of Medicine, University of the Ryukyusの論文
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