- 論文の詳細を見る
To investigate the current status of male contraceptive operations, the applicants for vasectomy were surveyed. The average age of the husbands was 37.3 years and that of the wives was 33.4 years. The number of children they had was 2.4 on the average. The duration of marriage ranged from 3 to 37 years and the average was 10.9 years. Fifty-eight percent of the patients visited our clinic of their own motive. Few of them had sought advice of a specialist before. Twenty-two percent of the wives had had an experience of natural abortion, whereas 58% of them had had artificial abortions. Methods of contraception which have been taken were condoms for 47 couples, Ogino's method (rhythm method) for 12, IUD for 11, pills for 6 and so on. Eight couples had not practiced contraception before. Forty-nine percent of the husbands were office workers, which was much higher than the rate for the whole working population in Japan.
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