新鮮stage D前立腺癌に対するhormone・cyclophosphamide併用療法 第1報
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1984年6月から1年間の新鮮stage D前立腺癌11例に対し,Honvan 300 mg/day分3, Estracyt 4 cap/day分2, Prostal 100 mg/day分2の連日経口投与とCPM 1 g/m2/3 W (700~1,500 mg/body)の大量間歇投与の併用療法を行った.1)自験例11例の臨床効果については,NPCP効果判定基準でHonvan群5例中1例にPR, 4例にstable, Estracyt群3例中3例,Prostal群3例中1例にstableが得られ,残りのProstal群2例は1例がprogression例,1例がdrop out例であった.stable以上を有効とすると効果判定可能症例10例中9例が有効となった.2)本療法の有効持続期間は5~16ヵ月,平均9.9ヵ月で,有効症例においては著明な自覚症状と全身症状の改善が得られた.3)副作用については,悪心,嘔吐あるいは食欲不振などの胃腸症状が9例に,白血球減少が3例に,血小板減少が1例に認められた.1例に黄疸の出現とGOT・GPTの上昇が見られたが,外来通院治療にて完治し,再度Estracyt・CPM併用治療の継続が可能であったEleven patients with newly diagnosed stage D prostate cancer between June, 1984 and June, 1985, were administered 300 mg/day of Honvan in 3 divided portions, 4 capsules/day of Estracyt in 2 divided portions, or 100 mg/day of Prostal in 2 divided portions was administered orally, concomitantly with large-dose intermittent treatment of 1 g/m2/3 weeks of cyclophosphamide. According to the NPCP criteria, of the 5 cases given Honvan 1 case was PR and 4 cases were stable: all 3 cases given Estracyt were stable: and in 3 cases given Prostal, 1 case was stable, 1 case had progression and 1 case dropped out. The response duration of this combination therapy was 3 to 16 months (average: 9.9 months), and obvious improvements in the subjective symptoms and performance status were noted in the cases that responded to the treatment. As for side effects, gastrointestinal symptoms were observed in 9 cases, leucopenia in 3 cases, and thrombocytopenia in 1 case. All these cases, however, were slight and transient. In 1 case, jaundice and an elevation in GOT and GPT were detected, but these changes were also temporary.
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