高齢者にみられたpure choriocarcinoma of the testisの1例
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A case of pure choriocarcinoma of the testis in a 62-year-old male is reported. The patient consulted his family physician with an enlarged but painless right scrotal containment in November, 1980. Initial diagnosis was right hydrocele testis and chronic epididymitis, and he was treated with antibiotics. However, the tumor continued to enlarge. Right high orchiectomy was performed on March, 15, 1981 under the diagnosis of suspected right testicular tumor. The resected specimen was 10 X 7 X 6 cm and elastic hard. The cut surface was dark reddish with hemorrhagic foci. Serial sections of the entire testis were made and their histopathological examinations revealed the tumor to be a classical pure choriocarcinoma of the testis. The plasma beta-HCG level was remarkably elevated, but the alpha-fetoprotein level was normal. Anticancer chemotherapy (CDDP 125 mg, MTX 20 mg, ADM 50 mg, and EDX 500 mg) was performed in eight courses after the operation. Multiple metastatic foci were present in both lungs during the treatment, and his condition gradually deteriorated. Therefore, he was transferred to our hospital. Aggressive anticancer treatment could not be given because of his poor general condition, and he died on May, 16, 1982 of carcinomatosis. The autopsy revealed multiple nodular metastasis of the tumor to bilateral lungs, bilateral adrenal glands and right kidney. There was no metastasis to the lymph nodes. The metastatic lesions, macrospically dark reddish with hemorrhagic foci, were histopathologically pure choriocarcinoma.
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