膀胱腫瘍におけるisoantigenの意義 - 全摘除標本のMapping法による基礎的研究 -
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膀胱全摘出標本20例を対象としてSpecific red cell adherence test (SRCAテスト)と組織学的mappingの対比を行い,次の知見を得た.1)同一腫瘍内でもSRCAテスト陽性陰性が混在していた.2)多発性腫瘍間ではSRCAテストに差がみられた.3) dysplasia, down growth,扁平上皮化生の中にはSRCAテスト陰性のものがあった.4)病理組織学的正常部,hyperplasiaのSRCAテストの陽性率は100%であった.5) CISは全例陰性であった.6) gradeとSRCAテストの関係では,grade 2で40%,grade 3で23.1%の陽性率であったTwenty cases of bladder cancer which had been treated by radical cystectomy were investigated, five out of these twenty were rendered to a specific red cell adherence test (SRCA test) using step section of entire bladder and for the other 15 cases malignant lesions and surrounding non-malignant lesions, which had been determined by histological mapping, were compared using the SRCA test. The SRCA test positive and negative lesions could coexist within the same tumor. Thus in the case of a large tumor, multiple biopsies were required to evaluate the results of the SRCA test. Since multiple bladder cancer lesions of the same patient revealed different results of the SRCA test, each lesion should be evaluated individually. Some dysplasia, down growth and squamous metaplasia were SRCA test negative and this phenomenon was frequently observed in the surrounding tissue of the bladder cancer. Histologically normal bladder epithelium and hyperplasia showed SRCA test positive by 100%. All the CIS showed SRCA test negative. Positive percentage of SRCA test in grade II and grade III tumors were 40% and 23.1% respectively. There was no relationship between the pathological stage and the results of SRCA test. There was no relationship between the existence of the intramural lymphatic invasion and/or the intramural venous invasion and the result of the SRCA test. From these results, we conclude that the SRCA test is a useful tool to predict the malignant potential of the bladder cancer, but when we utilize this test for the bladder biopsy specimens we found its reliability limited.
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