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1983年3月より1983年8月までに大阪医科大学付属病院他を受診した非特異性慢性前立腺炎患者76例を対象として,3種アミノ酸複合剤(PPC)の単独投与による治療効果を花粉製剤(C剤)との二重盲検法により比較検討した.PPC投与群(P群),C剤投与群(C群)共に,排尿後不快感,会陰部不快感,頻尿,残尿感及び排尿困難の各自覚症状についての改善率は投与2週後で50.0%~61.9%,投与終了時(4週後)では,70.0~83.3%と上昇した.各症例別の総合的な自覚症状の改善効果について著効・有効・やゝ有効を含めた有効率は,P群,C群とも同程度に有効であったが著効・有効に限るとP群の方がやゝ優位であった.前立腺触診における圧痛に関しては,P群,C群共投与2週後では各(55.0%,51.9%)の改善率であったが4週後でも改善率の上昇傾向は認められなかった.前立腺の硬化に対する投与2週後の改善率はP群,C群共低値(29.4%,23.5%)であり,4週後も改善率の上昇は認められなかった.前立腺の腫大については,C群では投与2週後,4週後で改善率は各(12.5%,31.8%)であったが,P群では2週後,4週後で改善率は各(35.7%,36.9%)であり非常に良好であった.PPCまたはC剤投与による重篤な副作用は認められず,両薬剤とも長期投与における臨床的安全性が再確認された.以上の成績により,PPCは,非特異性慢性前立腺炎の自覚症状の改善に関しては,C剤と同等の効果が期待でき,特に前立腺の腫大が著明な症例に対しては有効であると考えられるThe clinical effectiveness of PPC, amino acid preparation, on nonspecific chronic prostatitis was evaluated by the double-blind test method. A mixture of two pollen extracts which has been widely employed for the treatment of chronic prostatitis was used as a control. Neither antibiotics nor anti-inflammatory drug was administered during the investigation. A total of 76 cases was reported from six facilities but 14 of them were excluded or dropped out. In 32 cases in the PPC group, subjective symptoms such as discomfort after urination, discomfort in the perineal region, pollakisuria, sense of residual urine and dysuria were improved in 50.0 approximately 61.9% and 70.0 approximately 83.3% after 2- and 4-week administrations, respectively. Similar results regarding each subjective symptom were obtained in 30 cases of the control group and there was no significant difference between the two groups. In the overall clinical effectiveness concerning subjective symptoms, the effective rate including excellently, moderately and slightly effective was 81.3% with PPC and 83.3% with control drug. However when the effective rate was limited to excellently and moderately effective, PPC was slightly superior to the control drug (50.5% versus 36.7%). In regard to prostatic tenderness by the digital examination, both PPC and control drug induced relatively good improvement after 2-week administration. The degree of improvement, however, was not increased in the subsequent 2 weeks. Sclerotic change of the prostate was poorly recovered in both groups even after 4-week treatment. Swelling of the prostate was alleviated in 12.5% of the control group after 2 weeks and in 31.8% after 4 weeks.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
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