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39症例に対して4 mgを就寝前4週間経口投与し,きわめて有効であったA clinical trial was performed with the tranquilizer Bromazepam on 39 patients undergoing diagnosis of psychogenic impotence, and the drug effect was evaluated according to the criteria based on our protocol. The protocol specifies 8 tests (1 for libido, 4 for erection, 2 for ejaculation, 1 for orgasm) which are scored according to an arbitrary logarithmic scoring system. At the end of the study the points made in the 8 tests were added to obtain the total score as the basis for evaluation of the overall drug effect. After treatment all tests showed an improvement, and the improvement in erection during masturbation, reflective erection, and condition of ejaculation was statistically significant. The total score also improved from 16.77 +/- 2.62 (mean +/- S.D.) before treatment to 11.42 +/- 1.96 after treatment, and the change was again statistically significant (P less than 0.05). The rate of satisfaction as a subjective symptom of improvement also increased from 25.38 +/- 4.40% to 39.10 +/- 4.53%. The results of the present study provide evidence to indicate that Bromazepam is beneficial for psychogenic impotence.
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