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ofloxacinを22例の細菌性前立腺炎の治療に用いた.GNB感染8例に対し,全例に有効であった.GPC感染(感染症の疑い5例も含む)14例に対する効果は,有効10例,無効4例で有効率71%であった.副作用として消化器症状(下痢)2例をみたが中止例は1例のみであったOfloxacin (OFLX), a new pyridonecarboxylic acid derivative for oral use, was administered in the treatment of 22 cases of bacterial prostatitis (acute 4, chronic 18). In advance of the clinical trial, the concentration of OFLX in prostatic fluid (PF) was determined following administration of the drug to 3 patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis at a stationary phase. Assays revealed antibiotic concentrations of a mean level of 1.34 micrograms/ml in 3 PF samples. The ratios to the plasma antibiotic level (R value) averaged approximately 1.10. In clinical use, the drug was given at a daily dosage of 300-600 mg for 5-21 days. The bacteriological response of the infections caused by gram negative bacteria, in all eight patients (100%) was complete eradication, whereas that in 14 cases (including 5 mild infections) caused by gram positive cocci, was excellent or moderate in 10 (71%) and poor in 4 cases. Adverse reactions were observed in 2 cases; complaint of diarrhea (drug administration was discontinued in 1 case). No abnormal values such as of kidney or liver functions or of peripheral hematology were encountered. From the data obtained ofloxacin was concluded to be highly effective, safe and useful in treatment of bacterial prostatitis.
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