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34例の複雑性因子が多く,かつ重症な感染症の治療や感染防止にCAZ 1回1 gを1日2回9~30日にわたり静注または点滴静注し,感染症25例に対して著効6例,有効14例,やや有効例4,無効1例であり,また,術後感染防止上も75%の有効率を得た.副作用は無かったが,検査上肝機能異常4例,及び白血球減少症1例が認められたCAZ was administered to 34 patients in the field of urology for treatment or prevention of serious infections with many complicated factors. The duration of treatment ranged from 9 to 30 days, the most frequent being 14 days, which was the duration originally set as the standard. As the results CAZ was considered to be one of the drugs of choice in the cases requiring long-term treatment, from the viewpoint of both efficacy and usefulness.
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