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A 8-year-old girl was referred with both vesicoureteral reflux and repeated urinary infection since she was 30 months old. At 5 years old, she had had cystoscopy. Her excretory urogram (IVP) was almost normal; her voiding cystogram showed both vesicoureteral reflux of grade III and a maximum bladder capacity of 75 ml. At cystoscopy the ureteral orifices were in normal position of the trigone and the orifices were dilated like a golf-hole. Both ureters were reimplanted without ureter stents by the Cohen cross-trigonal advancement technique. Her IVP and a renograms postoperatively have shown normal kidney function and no urinary retention in either kidney. Her voiding cystograms have shown no vesicoureteral reflux. For 15 months after operation she has had no urinary infection. The Cohen cross-trigonal technique is a simple, safe and more applicable method than other anti-vesicoureteral reflux operations in cases of vesicoureteral reflux with contracted bladder.
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