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1) 18症例の閉塞腎尿,対側正常腎尿,血清中のLMOX濃度を測定した(尿管結石症12,先天性水腎症3,腫瘍による閉塞3).2) LMOX尿中排出濃度の予想は,DMSA腎摂取率,腎エコーが有効であり,DMSA腎摂取率が3%以下,腎エコーで最大腎実質厚10 mm以下の水腎尿中LMOX濃度は10 μg/ml以下であった.IVP所見によるLMOX尿中濃度の予測は不可能であったUrinary LMOX concentration was studied in 18 patients with unilateral ureteral obstruction. The concentration of LMOX in the urine from the mild obstructed kidney was 124 to 2,140 micrograms/ml and 10 micrograms/ml in the severely obstructed ones. The difference was probably due to the intensity and the duration of the obstruction. The patient with 99mTc-DMSA renal uptake of less than 3% also had a urinary LMOX concentration of less than 7 micrograms/ml. The above results seem to show that 7 micrograms/ml in urinary LMOX concentration is a significant figure for treatment of UTI. 99mTc-DMSA renal uptake and renal echogram were used to estimate the excretion rate of antibiotics into the urine.
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