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腎盂尿管癌34例に対して腎尿管摘除術ならびに膀胱部分切除術を施行し,さらにhigh stage, high grade脈管内侵襲陽性例に対して術後cisplatinを中心とした補助化学療法を施行し,その治療成績について検討した.1) 34例の3年生存率は75.4%,5年生存率は48.4%であった.2) 34例中22例が生存し,5例が他因死,7例が癌死した.癌死例はすべて腫瘍の病理組織所見でG3, stage pT2あるいはpT3,脈管内侵襲陽性例であった.3) high stage, high grade脈管内侵襲陽性例18例中13例にcisplatinを投与し,5例はcisplatinを投与しなかったが,cisplatin投与例の癌死率は30.8%,3年および5年生存率は69.2%,51.9%に対しcisplatin非投与例では癌死率は60.0%,3年および5年生存率は53.3%,26.7%であったDuring the 10-year-and-9-month period from July 1977 to March 1988, 34 cases of renal pelvic and ureteral cancer were surgically treated with total nephroureterectomy combined with partial cystectomy. In cases where the histopathological examination of the surgically excised specimen disclosed a high stage, high grade cancer with vascular tumor invasion, postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy was carried out using cisplatin, cytosine arabinoside and tegafur. Of the 34 cases, 22 are still alive, 7 (20.6%) died of cancer and 5 died of other causes. Histopathologically, all of the 7 patients who died of cancer were found to have grade 3 and stage pT2 or pT3 cancers with intravascular tumor invasion. Cisplatin was used in 13 of the 18 high grade, high stage cases with intravascular tumor invasion. The mortality due to cancer in these 13 cases was 30.8%, while 3 and 5-year survival rates were 69.2% and 51.9%, respectively. In the remaining 5 cases in which cisplatin was not used for postoperative chemotherapy, the mortality due to cancer was 60.0% and the 3 and 5-year survival rates were 53.3% and 26.7%, respectively. Thus, the patients who received postoperative chemotherapy tended to show a better survival rate than those who did not, although the difference in the survival curves between the two groups was not statistically significant. The results from the present study suggest the usefulness of postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy in high stage, high grade renal pelvic and ureteral cancer with intravascular tumor invasion.
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