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A 57-year-old man was admitted with the chief complaint of macrohematuria. Digital rectal examination showed a slightly enlarged, irregular prostate with stony consistency. Serum levels of prostate specific antigen (PSA), neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and progastrin-releasing peptide (ProGRP) were elevated. Transurethral resection (TUR)-biopsy of the prostate revealed small cell carcinoma with poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. Various radiological examinations revealed metastases to pelvic lymph nodes and liver. He was treated with chemoendocrine therapy consisting of cisplatin, etoposide, flutamide and luleinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH) agonist. The primary tumor and metastatic lesion decreased and serum PSA, NSE and ProGRP levels were decreased to normal ranges after 5 cycles of chemotherapy. After the 5-cycle chemotherapy, TUR-biopsy proved viable tumor cells. During the additional chemotherapy, tumor markers increased and 4 months later liver metastasis progressed. He died 13 months after diagnosis of small cell carcinoma of the prostate.
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