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91例の登録されたstage Aの前立腺癌のうちstage A1 33例,stage A2 47例計80例について統計的観察を行った. 1)Stage A1のPSAの陽性率は18.5%, A2では53.8%であった. 2)進行した例はA1で1例3.0%, A2で2例4.3%であった.癌死例はA1症例ではなく,A2症例で1例認めた.前立腺全摘術はA2症例の5例(10.6%)に行われた. 3)5年生存率はA1では97.0%, A2では88.6%であり,両者に有意差はなかった. 4)Stage A症例中でPSAが異常値を示した症例のTNN分類によるT1cに相当する症例はA1で4例,A2で21例あったIn 39 hospitals in the Tokai region of Japan, 815 cases with prostatic cancer were registered between 1988 and 1991, 91 of which (13.3%) were diagnosed as stage A. Eighty cases of stage A cancer were subclassified into stage A1 (33 cases) or stage A2 (47 cases). A detailed investigation was performed on these 80 subclassified cases with respect to tumor markers, treatment methods and prognosis. The tumor marker, prostate specific antigen (PSA) was positive in 18.5% of the A1 cases and 53.8% of the A2 cases. Endocrine therapy was administered in 45.5% of the A1 and 78.7% of the A2 cases. There was 1 (3.0%) case of progression in the stage A1 group, and 2 cases in stage A2 group. The 5-year survival rate was 97.0% for stage A1 and 88.6% for stage A2. The prognosis of prostatic cancer in stage A was fairly good in both the A1 and A2 subclasses in our series.
- 前立腺偶発癌StageAの予後についての検討
- 睾丸腫瘍 (絨毛癌) の1例 : 第169回東海地方会
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- 東海地方会泌尿器腫瘍登録による4年間の腎盂尿管腫瘍統計
- 東海地方会泌尿器腫瘍登録による4年間の膀胱腫瘍統計