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1)当科で施行した腎移植131例中,8名のべ9例に脳血管障害を合併した. 2)8名の内5名が死亡したが死亡した患者はいずれも移植腎機能不良であった. 3)脳血管障害を発症した症例全例に薬剤にてコントロール不良の高血圧を認めた. 4)腎移植後高血圧の管理が脳血管障害および患者の予後にたいして重要であると考えたBetween October 1975 and December 1994, 131 renal transplants were performed on our hospital. Eight of these patients had 9 cerebrovascular diseases, which were 2 cerebral hemorrhages, 5 cerebral infarctions, 2 subarachnoid hemorrhages. Five of the 8 patients whose graft functions were bad died. We studied the relationship of the incidence of these complications to some factors as follows; 1) blood pressure, 2) hypercholestemia, 3) duration of hemodialysis, and 4) graft function. The cerebrovascular diseases after renal transplantation were related to the hypertension after renal transplantation and no correlation with the other factors could be found. Therefore, we think that the control of the hypertension after renal transplantation is the most important for the cerebrovascular diseases and the patient's prognosis.
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