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前立腺液中CEA濃度は前立腺癌において他の良性疾患に比し統計的に有意な高値をとり,特に臨床上問題となる血清中PSA軽度上昇例での前立腺癌の早期発見における有用性がしめされたClinical studies of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) in prostate fluid were performed on 121 men; 29 patients with prostate cancer, 65 with benign prostatic hypertrophy, 10 with prostatitis and 17 without any prostatic diseases. The CEA level in prostate fluid in the prostate cancer group was significantly higher than that in any other group. However, it could not demonstrate any particular advantage when compared with the prostate specific antigen (PSA) in serum. Additional research was done comparing the sensitivity and specificity of CEA level in prostate fluid in the population with slightly elevated PSA level (3.0-14.9 ng/ml). The sensitivity and the specificity were 82% and 83%, respectively. These findings suggest the usefulness of the measurement of prostate fluid CEA as an adjunctive tool in the diagnosis of prostate cancer in the population with a slightly elevated PSA level.
- 化学療法が奏効した心内膜転移及び巨大後腹膜リンパ節転移を有する睾丸腫瘍の1例 : 第480回東京地方会
- 前立腺癌の診断における前立腺液中癌胎児性抗原測定の意義
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- 前立腺液中腫瘍マーカーの検討(第1報) : 簡易キットによる前立腺液中CEA濃度の測定 : 第58回東部総会