Pyogenic psoas muscle abscess: report of three cases
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35歳男,57歳男,59歳男,原発性腹腰筋膿瘍の3例を経験した。3例中2例に腰部斜切開による切開排膿術を施行した。他の1例に対しては,超音波ガイド下に穿刺吸引を行った。3例ともに術後経過は良好で再発は認めなかったWe report three cases of primary psoas muscle abscess. Two of these cases were treated by open drainage through a lumbar incision and the other was by ultrasonography (USG)-guided percutaneous aspiration of the abscess. Antibiotic therapy was also instituted in all cases. Post-operatively, the patients recovered well with no sign of recurrence. USG-guided percutaneous drainage combined with appropriate antibiotic therapy appears to be the first choice procedure for treatment of the primary psoas abscess if correct diagnosis is promptly made and the procedure can be performed.
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