Appearance of spermatozoon after administration of mast cell blocker to a patient with azoospermia
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特発性無精子症患者に対し,tranilastを1年間投与した結果,精液中に精子の出現が認められた。顕微授精を施行したが,妊娠には至らなかったSince a close relationship has been suggested to exist between testicular disfunction and the increased mast cells in the testis, we used a mast cell blocker for the treatment of patients with idiopathic infestility. An infertile male with idiopathic azoospermia was treated with administration of a mast cell blocker, tranilast for one year. The patient was found to have sperm within his ejaculate. However, the ultimate goal of pregnancy was not achieved by the microfertilization technique. To evaluate the possible significance of this new treatment, further basic research will be needed to clarify the relationship between mast cell proliferation and impaired testicular function.
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- Appearance of spermatozoon after administration of mast cell blocker to a patient with azoospermia