- 論文の詳細を見る
1)経尿道的尿管引き抜き術は膀胱部分切除術と比較して,手術時間及び出血量共に少なく,更に術後の入院期間も短く,より侵襲の少ない術式である.2)術後の膀胱内再発は14例中7例に認められ,術後の1,5年非再発率は69.2,30.8%であった.一方,膀胱部分切除群では各々,57.1,42.9%であったが,両群間に有意差を認めなかったBetween August 1986 and December 1998, 19 patients who had renal pelvic and upper ureteral tumors were treated with nephrectomy and transurethral removal of the ureter using the intussusception method. Removal of the ureter failed in 5 patients because of excessive ablasion of the ureter or insufficient electro-resection around the ipsilateral ureteral orifice. Excluding those patients, the safety of the operation and the intravesical recurrence were compared with the outcome in 12 patients undergoing partial cystectomy for similar tumors. The mean operating time was not significantly shorter with the intussusception method compared with partial cystectomy (190.4 versus 251.3 minutes), but the mean blood loss was significantly smaller (187.5 versus 460.2 ml) and the intussusception method did not require a blood transfusion. The mean term of hospitalization was 20.3 days for patients treated by the intussusception method which was significantly shorter than that for patient undergoing partial cystectomy (25.4 days). Intravesical recurrence was found in seven patients (50%) treated by the intussusception method and the 1- and 5-year recurrence-free rates were 69.2% and 30.8% respectively. There was no significant difference in the recurrence-free rates between the two surgical techniques. These results suggest that the intussusception method is superior to partial cystectomy in decreasing the operating time, blood loss and term of hospitalization. It can be an attractive option in selected cases, without increasing the risk of intravesical recurrence.
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