- 論文の詳細を見る
Methacolimycin (each capsel contains 100 mg strength, 3 mil l i on units of colistin methanesulfonate sodium) was orally administered in order to determine its blood and urine concentrations. Then the drug was given to 26 patients with urinary tract infections to evatuate the clinical effectiveness. The results are summarized as follows. 1) The urinary concentration of this drug in patie n ts having normal renal function was the highest during 2 to 3 hours after oral administration and it decreased after 6 hours. In patients with renal function disturbance, however, the urinary concentration was lower than in patients with normal renal function although a sufficiently high blood concentration was achieved. 2) Among 26 cases given Methacolimycin, marked improvements of subjective symptoms and objective findings were noted in 12 cases. In addition other 7 cases showed some responses, so that a total of 19 cases was proved to be effective. In general, the effectiveness was less pronounced in cases with organic urinary tract changes than without changes. As the relation to the causal organisms, the drug was proved to have a relatively high effectiveness against E. coli and Proteus mirabilis while it had less effect against Staph. aureus and Stanh. enidermidis.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
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