イトマキヒトデ中心体DNA のリアルタイムPCR を用いた定量解析の検討
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In the most animals, only the centrosomes in sperm are involved in the formation of cell-division poles for mitosis in zygotes. The inheritance of paternal centrosomes dependson the loss of maternal centrosomes in the mature egg during meiosis. In starfish, maternal centrioles are not equivalent in terms of their intrinsic stability and reproductive capacity. The reproductive centrioles are successively cast off into polar bodies. As the mature egg is finally formed, it inherits a non-reproductive centriole. Further the maternal centriole andcentrosome are destined to decay in starfish oocytes. Recently, we isolated novel DNA fromcentrosomes in the sperm of the starfish Asterina pectinifera. Similar DNA sequences are also found in the sperm of the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus and the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha. In the present study, we investigated the optimal conditions for Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis, with a centrosome-specific DNA primer (CS-primer). This CS-primer was designed to amplify partial sequences (500bp) of the centrosomal DNA;nevertheless, in this study, we determined whether or not this primer would also be effective for quantitative PCR analysis. We determined the sequencing times for PCR cycles using several diluted template DNA solutions for quantitative analysis. We quantitatively compared the amounts of centrosomal DNA in individual immature oocytes using the standard curve forReal-time PCR of sperm DNA.
- 神奈川大学の論文
- 2009-06-30
- 細胞生物学研究室第3で開発された理科実験教材
- イトマキヒトデ中心体DNA のリアルタイムPCR を用いた定量解析の検討
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