韓国の高齢者の生活時間 ―生活時間調査データの日韓比較から―
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本稿は,韓国と日本の生活時間調査データの比較を通して,韓国の高齢者の生活時間配分にみられる特徴を明らかにしたものである。韓国の統計庁による生活時間調査(2004年実施)と日本の総務省統計局による社会生活基本調査(2006年実施)のデータを用いて,10歳以上(調査対象者全体)および65歳以上(高齢者)の人々の行動の種類別総平均時間について日韓比較をおこなった。その結果,韓国の高齢者は日本の高齢者に比べ,個人的ケアと家事と家族のケアに配分する時間が短く,自由時間と移動の時間が長いこと,自由時間では交際の時間が大幅に長いことなどがあきらかになった。The purpose of this study is to illustrate the feature of the time use of Korean elderly. For this purpose, I analyzed the data of average time spent on activities of all Koreans and Japanese (10 years old and above) and the elderly (65 years old and above) from the Time Use Survey executed in 2004 by National Statistical Office in South Korea and Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities executed in 2006 by Statistics Bureau of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in Japan. Major findings are as follows; Korean elderly people spend almost as much time for their work and study as Japanese elderly people. While the time for personal care and household / family care is shorter, the time for free time and travel is longer. The difference of free time by sex is smaller than Japanese. Korean elderly women have longer free time than Japanese elderly women. As for personal care, the meal time of Korean elderly people is much shorter than that of Japanese, and sleeping time is shorter with men. As for household / family care, time for household care is much shorter, but time for family care is a little longer than Japanese. Among free time, time for social life is much longer than Japanese, most of it spent for socializing with people other than family and relatives. The time by telephone calls for socializing is longer, too. The time for rest and relaxation is longer with the men and women, and the religious activity time is longer with women. The time for newspapers and magazines is shorter while watching television, occupying almost half of the free time, is quite the same as Japanese elderly. The time for sports and outdoor leisure activity is almost the same, and walking and strolling occupies much time. The time for hobby and leisure activity is almost the same, but playing / gambling occupy much more in Korea. Neither Koreans nor Japanese spend very little time for social participation, volunteer work, study, and entertainment / amusement. Koreans spend less time than Japanese, though the difference is small. As for travel, traveling time related to socializing and other leisure activities occupies much in Korea. The longer traveling time in Korea is explained by the longer free time, especially longer socializing time with people other than family and relatives.I believe I have been able to point out a few new aspects about the feature of daily life of elderly people in Korea and Japan by comparative analysis of the time use data.
- 2010-02-26
- 韓国の高齢者の生活時間 ―生活時間調査データの日韓比較から―
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