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The purpose of this study was to clarify the relation between customer-oriented corporate culture and organizational results. This was achieved by surveying employee attitudes and using objectively measured management performance indices, such as customer satisfaction rating and management indices, for four IT service firms. By analyzing the relation between the results and objectively measured performance indices, we analyzed the relation between customer-oriented corporate culture, and organization results. As a result, it was confirmed that the characteristic of a customer-oriented corporate culture is linked with management performance, such as employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, and various financial indicators. A theoretical model showing those causal relationships is presented.本研究は,ITサービス企業4社を対象に,従業員に対する意識調査と客観的に測定された成果指標によって顧客志向の組織文化と組織成果の関係を分析した.顧客志向の組織文化が組織成果に及ぼす影響を,企業における職場単位,および企業単位で検討した結果,顧客志向の組織文化の特性が,従業員満足,顧客満足,様々な財務指標などの経営成果に連動することが確認された.
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