- 論文の詳細を見る
1. In the Tertiary Formation of the Northern Fossa Magna many Sedimentary structures are observed. Judging from the ongms, they are divided into following; 1. the gravitational loading (Load casts, Convolute bedding), 2. the turvidity currents (Flute casts, Groove casts), 3. the bottom .cllrrents (Ripple mark, Crescent casts), 4. the injection (Clastic dike), 5. the subaqueous slide (Slump structure, Rubble bedding, Norimaki structure, Bent chunks). We investigated them in detai1. 2. The Sedimentary structures are essentially different from the Geological structures by the tectonic movement, but in this area they are closely connected with the Geological structures, for instance, Saigawa Fractured Zone runs along the west side of the Central Uplift Zone and Nakatsllchi Fractured Zone along the south side of Otari Uplift Zone. The sedimentary structures of these Fractured Zones told that two Uplift Zone made the uplift movement with the deposite of sedimentary rocks. 3. That area rich in sedimentarystructures along the south side of Otari Uplift Zone was called by Teruo HIRABAYASHI Nakatsuchi Crushered Zone, but we adovocate to name it Nakatsuchi Fractured Zone.
- 信州大学教養部の論文
- 1973-03-15
田中 邦雄
田中 邦雄
Nagano City Museum
田中 邦雄
Department Of Geology Faculty Of General Education Shinshu University
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