癌末期高齢者のターミナルケアにおける家族間調整に関する質的研究 - 終末期の療養場所選択に焦点をあてて
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本研究の目的は,癌末期高齢者と家族の終末期の療養場所選択に関する家族間調整について明らかにすることである。対象は,ターミナルケアに積極的に取り組んでいる訪問看護ステーションに所属し,70歳以上の癌末期高齢者のターミナルケアで困難な事例を経験した訪問看護師5名である。対象に半構成的面接を行い,語られた6事例を質的帰納的に分析した結果,訪問看護師は,(1)【調整の手がかりを探る】(2)【人間関係をつむぐ】(3)【癌末期高齢者と家族の今を支えながら先手を打つ】という3つの援助を基盤に,(4)【癌末期高齢者の意思を表面化させる】ことを軸に,癌末期高齢者と家族の状況に応じて(5)【家族に在宅療養決定を急き立てる】あるいは(6)【場の選択に対する家族の覚悟を揺さぶる】という援助を行っていた。基盤となる3つの援助を継続しながら,癌末期高齢者と家族の終末期の療養場所選択に関する家族間調整として『癌末期高齢者と家族が安らかに過ごせる場を手早く調える』ことを目指していたThis study aimed to clarify the method by which in a short terminal phase, home care nurses coordinate among elderly patients with terminal cancer and their families while taking into consideration differences in the attitude toward the place of death. From nursing magazines, I located Japanese nursing stations with a progressive attitude to terminal care and family support, and I applied to their administrators for permission to conduct research on the nurses. During the interview, I requested theses home care nurses to recollect difficult episodes regarding terminal care. Five nurses related episodes involving elderly patients with terminal cancer aged 70-years and more. Using the interview data, I conducted a qualitative inductive analysis to categorize the tasks involved in nursing practice. I concluded that Japanese home care nurses assist the elderly patients with terminal cancer and their families by providing care represented by the following 6 categories. The nurses used 3 kinds of basic care: (1) proving for coordination key, (2) making prior preparations and providing support at the required time, and (3) fostering human relationships. Moreover, depending on the situation, the nurses also performed the following 3 roles: (4) specifying elderly patients' wishes as a core method :(5)hastening the decision for home care : and (6) reconfirming place of death decision. It is important to note that the home care nurses aimed to prepare for a peaceful place of death fast, by coordinating among the terminal elderly patients and their families while considering differences in the attitude toward the place of death.
- 2007-06-30
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- 癌末期高齢者のターミナルケアにおける家族間調整に関する質的研究 - 終末期の療養場所選択に焦点をあてて
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