エンリコ・マッティと出光佐三、山下太郎 : 戦後石油産業の日伊比較
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This paper examines activities of three entrepreneurs, Enrico Mattei (1906-1962) of ENI, Sazo Idemitsu (1885-1981) of Idemitsu Kousan, and Taro Yamashita (1889-1967) of Arabian Oil, and makes an Italo-Japanese comparison of the petroleum industry after World War II. There is a big difference between Italy's petroleum industry and Japan's counterpart today. That is, Italy has a "typical national flag oil company", ENI, but Japan has not such one. This paper makes clear that the above difference results from a disparity of entrepreneurial activities between Mattei in Italy and Idemitsu/Yamashita in Japan. Mattei was superior to Idemitsu and Yamashita in promoting vertical integration and taking a leadership in the relationship with the government. Owing to Mattei's entrepreneurship, ENI of Italy could grow as a typical national flag oil company. In contrast to Mattei, Idemitsu and Yamashita did not pursue a vertical integration strategy and could not take a leadership to the government. It may safely be said that limits of entrepreneurial activities is one of the most important reasons for absence of national flag oil companies in Japan.
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