Cultural Characteristics for Inducing Fruit body of various Insect Mushrooms on Polyurethane Foams
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Cultural characteristics of various seven strains of Isaria and Cordyceps spp, by cultivating on four different kinds of polyurethane foams (PUF) were investigated. Significantly faster mycelial growth was recorded from Cordyceps ophioglossoides and Isaria atypicola. Highest whiteness was achieved from I. sinclairii on plant based with 36.5 % castor oil and plant based with 2 % wood and 0.9 % sucrose, but petroleum based and plant based with 1 % sucrose PUF were best for C. sinensis. Comparing to all PUF whiteness was comparatively much better on plant based with 1 % sucrose PUF for six species, while I. farinose was on plant based with 2 % wood and 0.9 % sucrose. The ergosterol contain was significantly high in I. sinclairii. Fruit bodies were successfully observed in five species in between 70 to 90 days.冬虫夏草菌類の生育についてポリウレタンフォームを基材として検討した.冬虫夏草菌類の寒天培地上での生育は,ハナヤスリタケとクモタケが良好であった.菌糸密度を評価するために,培地表面の白色度と培地のエルゴステロール含有量を測定した.冬虫夏草とツクツクボウシタケが高い白色度を示し,エルゴステロール含有量はツクツクボウシタケの培地で多かった.ポリウレタンフォームの材質が大きな因子となり,植物由来でスクロースを含有しているもので,良好な生育が認められた.ポリウレタンフォーム上で,冬虫夏草菌類の子実体形成を70-90日培養すると確認することができた.
- 2006-03-27
- Cultural Characteristics for Inducing Fruit body of various Insect Mushrooms on Polyurethane Foams
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