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研究では,行政保健師の児童虐待防止に関する自信や力量形成の実態を明らかにした。 対象はH県内の保健師591名で,平成18年9月から10月に,郵送質問紙調査を実施した。項目は,保健師経験年数,児童虐待を早期発見し予防するための活動を行う自信に関する31項目等であった。 有効回答率は40.1%であった。新任・中堅期よりベテラン期の方が,児童虐待の早期発見や予防における個人家族及び地域支援活動に自信を持っていた。また,虐待支援経験者や研修受講者,虐待支援を5件以上経験する者に活動への自信を持つ者が多かった。自由記載では,個人だけでなく虐待防止に関わるチーム全体の力量向上の必要性が述べられていた。 ベテラン期の技術や経験を新任・中堅期へ伝達していくシステムを職場内で充実させることや虐待防止に関する研修への積極的な参加が有効であること,地域単位の体制づくりが求められていることが確認できた。Purpose : The purpose of this study was to clarify the situation that allowed public health nurses to be effective in child abuse prevention.Design : This was a quantitative descriptive design.Method : Data Collection: The subjects were 591 public health nurses in the H prefecture from September to October, 2006. The questions included number of years of experience as a public health nurse, 31 items about active confidence to discover child abuse early and to prevent it, and so on. The effective answer rate was 40.1%.Data Analysis: The data was analyzed statistically with a chi-square test, a t-test, and an analysis of variance.Findings : The self-evaluated average of confidence to carry out “individual and family support” and “community activities” differed significantly in four career groups. In addition, the subjects who supported the child abuse case and attended lecture s on the subject had confidence for activities that prevent child abuse, as well as by experiencing more than five cases. In comments, it was found that not only the capability for improvement of the individual, but also from the whole team is necessary for the prevention of abuse.Conclusion and Implication : It was confirmed that for public health nurses to formulate the capability in preventing child abuse, a system in the office should be built which is ongoing in a career, the public health nurses must participate in a lectures child abuse prevention, and it was demanded that a system in the community must be contractual to prevent child abuse.
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