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欧州では,1995年のいわゆる個人情報保護に関するEU指令に則るため,個人情報保護法の改正が進み,データ主体の自己情報の収集について知らされる権利,アクセス権,訂正権,異議申立権等が整備されている。このようなデータ保護の強化が進む状況の中での地域がん登録事業の状況は,わが国に多くの示唆を与えてくれるものと思われる。そこで,わが国における地域がん登録の環境整備の礎とするために,ノルウェーとオーストリアでのがん登録の実態を法学的視点から調査した。ノルウェーでは強固な法的基盤の上に活発で迅速ながん登録と研究が,オーストリアではがん登録を他の疾病登録とともに1つの法律にまとめる作業が行われていた。両国においては,十分な国民的議論を経て,法律により,地域がん登録事業における患者の自己情報コントロール権の譲歩を規定し,登録の完全性の推進を図っていた。わが国においても,国民による十分な議論が求められる。In September 2006, I had the chance to have the field investigation and to collect materials concerning the population based cancer registry in Norway and Austria under the lead of Professor Eiji Maruyama of Kobe University School of Law. Directive 95/46/EC, which seeks to strike a balance between a high level of protection for the privacy of individuals and the free movement of personal data, demands that each member state set up an independent national body responsible for the protection of these data. Therefore a lot of countries have been revised data protection laws in Europe. I studied the current state of the population based cancer registry in such a situation. I think this study would suggest a beneficial impact on Japanese population based cancer registry. In Norway, an active, prompt cancer registry and research were done on the base of the strong legal infrastructure, and a lot of results had been achieved. In Austria the attempt of regulation has been done for cancer registering with other diseases. In these countries, it took a long time to make them cancer registry systems because of carrying out thorough national discussion. Now, they have some laws that support population based cancer registries. With reference to their discussion, we also have to have a law of cancer registry through the national argument in Japan.
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